How to create a dll in dotnet

To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did-Bimal Patel

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is a cursor?

From long time I wanted to know what cursors are ,I  did some googling and just came to know what cursor is  and here is the definition
Cursor is a database object used by applications to manipulate data in a set on a row-by-row basis, instead of the typical SQL commands that operate on all the rows in the set at one time.
But how to make it applicable in my practical life .
Then one day my friend came up with following requirement
 I Have 3 tables Tabel-1, Table-2, Table-3
Empid   Ename  salary

Here Empid is primary key
1         RAM       20k
2         SITA       30k
3         JOHN     40K

Empid   surname  commision

Here Empid is primary key
1         MANU  1k
2         DEVI      2k
3         ANDY    4K
4      SHAN    3K          


Now  Table-3

Empid   Ename  salary  surname  commission

2         SITA               30k         DEVI      2K

Now my friend requirement is he need to get the matching records from  Table1 and Table 2
and insert in to Table3 ,if that record does not exists in Table -3,so  the records below is what I should insert in to Table-3
1         RAM       20k        MANU  1K
3      JOHN     40K         ANDY    4K

Now  ,I need to loop through the set of records which I get from joining the Table-1 and Table-2   and  manipulate every record to meet the requirement.
 secondly the query which I use to join Table-1 and Table-2    is
SELECT e.empid
FROM Table-1 e, Table-2     e1
WHERE e.empid=e1.empid
The result will be
1         RAM       20k        MANU  1K
2         SITA       30k         DEVI      2K
3      JOHN     40K         ANDY    4K

Now I don’t want  employee by name sita to be inserted in to Table-3.
So my next thought went to cursor bocz definition says that we can loop through the set of records.
Then I went ahead and found what CURSOR is .
So these  is how you should use cursor
  • Declare cursor
  • Open cursor
  • Fetch row from the cursor
  • Process fetched row
  • Close cursor
  • Deallocate cursor
Now this is how I did my requirement
DECLARE @empid int -- local variable to store primay key value 
declare @empcount int ---local variable to store the count
--Now i declare the cursor
SELECT e.empid
FROM Table-1 e, Table-2 e1
WHERE e.empid=e1.empid

OPEN db_cursor 
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @empid

--here i check if it already exists in the destination table
select @empcount=count(*) from Table-3  where num_col=@empid
if @empcount=0
insert into Table-3 (empid) values(@empid );
print Can not insert;


       FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @empid

CLOSE db_cursor 
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

Finally Records in the Table 3 will be
1         RAM       20k        MANU  1K
2      SITA       30k         DEVI      2K
3      JOHN     40K         ANDY    4K

Please feel free  to post your comments
Happy coding.....

1 comment:

  1. good will be still easier to understand if u use cobol programming by precompilers
